Standing Still Will Lead You Nowhere


Your next step…

We live in an age of disruption, uncertainty and opportunity. Values change, strategies evaporate, companies merge and relocate.

Business models change, process, skills and experience no longer align with business needs, technologies and processes become obsolete.

Creating your Career Management Strategy Map

As a seasoned executive or professional with a track record of success, your career management is your responsibility. Have you achieved success and wish to identify and evaluate new opportunities with new organizations discreetly? Do you want to grow within your current organization, develop new skills, refine existing ones, and build your credibility and reputation?

Are you ready to change the work you do and build on your strengths and experience, whether with your current employer or somewhere new? Are you a high-potential professional who wants to seek new challenges, rewards, and recognition?

The Step Needed To Manage Your Career Trajectory – Secure BCP As Your Coaching Alliance

You need to take the steps necessary to manage your career trajectory, effect change, and experience sustained success. It is done by identifying a coaching alliance that has the experience to relate to your unique value and career aspirations– a dependable coalition that can be relied upon to give objective feedback, provide motivation, and maintain focus.

“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”

— Socrates


How We Work Together

  • Brookside Coaching Partners starts by examining where you are in the process of managing your career. The key to the coaching alliance is dialogue that brings about focus, explores alternative perspectives and brings about accountability and results in an executable plan – and we provide field and time-proven tools to address these topics.

  • We partner to identify the work you do well and enjoy doing, Together we analyze your accomplishments in this work and the strengths you possess that have helped you to achieve them. As you shift your perspective from viewing your career as a series of jobs to a sequence of experiences that have helped you build your expertise, you identify your transferable strengths and skills.

  • We analyze industries and roles where the work you do is performed and valued Together we craft communications that tells your story and clearly articulates what you want next in your career.

  • We plan and execute a strategy that strengthens and scaffolds your network to increase your visibility and market intelligence. We develop your story line and coach you to integrate it into your career management marketing campaign.